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  • 行政院國家永續發展委員會 委員
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  • 國際室內空氣科學學院 會士(fellow)
  • SCI 期刊”the Indoor Air”副主編
  • 世界衛生組織(WHO)環境微生物專家委員會 委員
  • 社團法人台灣室內環境品質學會 理事長
  • 哈佛大學公衛學院訪視委員會 委員
  • 哈佛大學環境委員會 委員
  • 密西根大學醫學中心 博士後研究員




  1. Jung CC, Huang CY, Su HJ, Chen NT, Yeh CL. Impact of agricultural activity on PM2.5 and its compositions in elementary schools near corn and rice farms. Science of the Total Environment. Science of The Total Environment 2024 Jan. 906:167496. (2022 Impact factor: 9.8, rank: 26/274, 9.8% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  2. Wong PY, Su HJ, Lung SC, Wu CD. 2023. An ensemble mixed spatial model in estimating long-term and diurnal variations of PM2.5 in Taiwan. Science of The Total Environment (2022 Impact factor: 10.754, rank: 26/279, 9.32% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  3. Chen NT, Shih CH, Jung CC, Hsu NY, Chen CY, Lee CC, Su HJ*. Impact of Mold Growth on Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Emission from Wallpapers with Higher Moisture. Heliyon 2022 Sep.8;8(9):e10404. (2021 Impact factor: 3.776, rank: 28/73, 38.36% in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES)
  4. Chen NT, Tam LM, Wu JH, Cheong NS, Lin CY, Tseng CC, and Su HJ*. Changes in Ambient Bacterial Community in Northern Taiwan during Long-Range Transport: Asian Dust Storm and Frontal Pollution. Atmosphere 2022 May. 13(5), 841. (2021 Impact factor: 3.11, rank: 169/279, 60.57% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  5. Wong PY, Lee HY, Chen LJ, Chen YC, Chen NT, Lung SC, Su HJ, Wu CD, Jose Guillermo Cedeno Laurent, Gary Adamkiewicz, John D. Spengler. 2022. An alternative approach for estimating large-area indoor PM2.5 concentration – A case study of schools. Building and Environment.( 2021 Impact factor: 7.093, rank: 10/138, 7.25% in ENGINEERING, CIVIL)
  6. Su HJ, Jung CC*, Wang JH, Chen NT, Chang WH. Estimations of infiltration factor of diurnal PM2.5 and heavy metals in children’s bedrooms. Indoor Air 2022 May. 32(5):e13037. (2021 Impact factor: 6.554, rank: 34/210, 16.2% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)
  7. Jung CC*, Syu ZH, Su HJ, Lian PY, Chen NT. Stable C and N isotopes of PM2.5 and size-segregated particles emitted from incense stick and cigarette burning. Environmental Research 2022. 212:113346 (SCI, 2020 Impact factor: 6.498, rank: 16/203, 8% in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)
  8. Wang WR, Chen NT, Hsu NY, Kuo IY, Chang HW, Wang JY, Su HJ*. Associations among phthalate exposure, DNA methylation of TSLP, and childhood allergy. Clinical Epigenetics 2021 Dec. 9:13(1):76. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13148-021-01061-1 (2021 Impact factor: 7.259, rank: 19/175, 10.86% in GENETICS & HEREDITY)
  9. Wong PY, Lee HY, Zeng YT, Chern YR, Chen NT, Lung SCC, Su HJ, Wu CD*. 2021. Using a Land Use Regression Model with Machine Learning to Estimate Ground Level PM2.5. Environmental Pollution. 2021 Oct. 277:116846. (2019 Impact factor:2.849, rank:58/193, 30.05% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  10. Wong PY, Su HJ, Lee HY, Chen YC, Hsiao YP, Huang JW, Teo TA, Wu CD, Spengler JD. Using land-use machine learning models to estimate daily NO2 concentration variations in Taiwan. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021 Jul. 317:128411. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128411. (2019 Impact factor:2.849, rank:58/193, 30.05% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  11. Wong PY, Hsu CY, Wu JY, Teo TA, Huang JW, Guo HR, Su HJ, Wu CD*, Spengler JD. Incorporating Land-Use Regression into Machine Learning Algorithms in Estimating the Spatial-Temporal Variation of Carbon Monoxide in Taiwan. Environmental Modelling & Software.2021 May. 139:104996. (2019 Impact factor:2.849, rank:58/193, 30.05% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  12.  Jung CC, Chen NT, Hsia YF, Hsu NY, Su HJ*. Influence of indoor temperature exposure on emergency department visits due to infectious and non-infectious respiratory diseases for older people. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 May. 18(10):5273. (2021 Impact factor:4.614, rank:71/210, 33.81% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  13. Chen NT, Cheong NS, Lin CY, Tseng CC, Su HJ*. Ambient viral and bacterial distribution during long-range transport in Northern Taiwan. Environmental Pollution. 2021 Frb. 270:116231. (2019 Impact factor: 9.988, rank: 28/279, 10.04% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  14. Jung CC, Su HJ. Chemical and stable isotopic characteristics of PM2.5 emitted from Chinese cooking. Environmental Pollution. 2020 Dec. 267: 115577 (2019 Impact factor: 6.79, rank: 21/265, 8% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  15. Widya LK, Hsu CY, Lee HY, Muhamad JL, Lung SC, Su HJ, Wu CD.  Comparison of spatial modelling approaches on PM10 and NO2 concentration variations: a case study in surabaya city, Indonesia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 Nov. 17(24), 9332. (2019 Impact factor:2.849, rank:58/193, 30.05% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  16. Lee HY, Wu YH, Asri AK, Chen TH, Pan WC, Yu CP, Su HJ, Wu CD. Linkage between residential green spaces and allergic rhinitis among children in asia using spectrum-based vegetation index (case study: Taiwan). Landscape and Urban Planning. 2020 Oct.  202:103868. (2019 Impact factor:5.441, rank: 31/86, 36.05% in METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES)
  17. Chang HT, Wu CD, Wang JD, Chen PS, Wang YJ, Su HJ*. Green space structures and schizophrenia incidence in Taiwan: Is there an association? Environmental Research Letters. 2020 Aug. 15:094058. (2021 Impact factor: 6.947, rank: 13/94, 13.83% in METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES)
  18. Jung CC, Lin WY, Hsu NY, Wu CD, Chang HT, Su HJ*. Development of hourly indoor PM2.5 concentration prediction model: the role of outdoor air, ventilation, building characteristic, and human activity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020 Aug. 17(16): 5906. (2021 Impact factor:4.614, rank:71/210, 33.81% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL& OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  19. Hsu CY, Ng UC, Chen CY, Chen YC, Chen MJ, Chen NT, Lung SC, Su HJ, Wu CD.  New land-use regression model to estimate atmospheric temperature and heat islands intensity in Taiwan. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020 Jun . 141:1451–1459. (2019 Impact factor:2.720, rank:31/86, 36.05% in METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES). 
  20. Lee HY, Wu CD, Chang YT, Chern YR, Lung SC , Su HJ , Pan WC.  Association between surrounding greenness and mortality: an ecological study in Taiwan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020 Jun. 17:4525.  doi:10.3390/ijerph17124525. (2019 Impact factor:2.849, rank:58/193, 30.05% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  21. Jung CC, Hsia YF, Hsu NY, Wang YC, Su HJ*. Cumulative effect of indoor temperature on cardiovascular disease–related emergency department visits among older adults in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment. 2020 May. 31: 13895. (2019 Impact factor: 10.753, rank: 26/279, 9.32% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  22. Jung CC, Hsu NY, Su HJ*. Temporal and spatial variations in IAQ and its association with building characteristics and human activities in tropical and subtropical areas. Building and Environment. 2019 Oct. 163:106249 (2021 Impact factor: 7.093, rank: 10/138, 7.25% in ENGINEERING; CIVIL)
  23. Jung CC, Lee CP, Wang WC, Wu MC, Su HJ*. Application of a stable carbon isotope for identifying Broussonetia papyrifera pollen. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019 Sep. 26 (26): 27353–2736. (2021 Impact factor: 5.19, rank: 87/279, 31.18% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  24. Li CY, Wu CD, Pan WC, Chen YC, Su HJ*. Association between long-term exposure to PM2.5 and incidence of type 2 diabetes in Taiwan: a national retrospective cohort study. Epidemiology. 2019 Jul. 30: S67–S75. (2019 Impact factor:5.071, rank: 16/193, 8.29%, in PUBLIC HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH).
  25. Chang HT, Wu CD, Pan WC, Lung SC, Su HJ*. Association between surrounding greenness and schizophrenia: a Taiwanese cohort study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019 Apr. 16(8): 1415-1431. (2019 Impact factor:2.849, rank:58/193, 30.05% in PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH)
  26. Wu PC, Su HJ*, Lung SC, Chen MJ, Lin WP, Pollen of Broussonetia papyrifera: An emerging aeroallergen associated with allergic illness in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment. 2019 Mar. 657 (20): 804-810. (2019 Impact factor: 6.551, rank: 22/265, 8.3% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES)
  27. Jung CC, Wu PC, Tseng CH, Chou Charles CK, Su HJ*, Contribution of indoor-generated and outdoor-generated fine and coarse particles to indoor air in Taiwanese hospitals. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2018 Dec. 18(12):3234-3242. (2018 Impact factor: 2.735, rank: 97/251, 38.65% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE)
  28. Wu SY, Lan SH, Wu SR, Chiu YC, Lin XZ, Su IJ, Tsai TF, Yen CJ, Lu TH, Liang FW, Li CY, Su HJ, Su CL, Liu HS*, Hepatocellular carcinoma–related cyclin d1 is selectively regulated by autophagy degradation system. Hepatology 2018 Jan, 68(1), 141-154. (2018 Impact factor: 14.971, rank: 97/251, 5.95% in GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY)
  29. Lin XT, Hsu NY, Wang JR, Chen NT, Su HJ, Lin MY. Development of an efficient viral aerosol collector for higher sampling flow rate. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018 Feb, 25(4):3884-3893. 【SCI】 (2018 Impact factor: 2.8, rank: 83/242,  34.3% in ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE)


  1. Wang WR, Lin WR, Tu IT, Liu KH, Wang MC, Chen HL, Su HJ. Effects of temperature on kidney function through endometabolites. The 4th International Conference on Environmental Technology and Innovations (ICETI 2023), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Oral presentation). November 29-30, 2023
  2. Wong PY, Su HJ. Wu CD. Geo-AI prediction model on estimating spatiotemporal variation of PM2.5 concentrations in morning and evening rush hours- A case study in Taipei metropolitan, Taiwan. 2023 Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS2023), Taipei, Taiwan. (Oral presentation). October 30-Novmenber 3, 2023
  3. Chen NT, Li JJ, Yeh CL, Jung CC, Su HJ. The influence of farming activities of paddy rice cultivation on PM2.5 pollution and the incidence of allergic symptoms. 35th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Taipei, Taiwan. Sep, 2023.
  4. 翁佩詒、蘇慧貞, 吳治達。結合電信信令人口資料與地理人工智慧技術動態評估PM2.5日夜暴露差異-以台北都會區為例。2023年公共衛生聯合會員大會暨學術研討會(高雄醫學大學,台灣,口頭發表) 2023/9。
  5. Wang WR, Chen HL, Su HJ. The approach to adjusting commercial PM2.5 sensors with a filter-based gravimetric method, IAQVEC 2023/5.  (Tokyo, Japan)
  6. Chen NT, Yeh CL, Jung CC, Su HJ. The influence of agricultural activities of corn planting on airborne microplastics. 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. 2023/5 (Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina (virtually)
  7. 葉佳玲、陳乃慈、榮建誠、 蘇慧貞 (2023年4月)農作活動對臺南硬質玉米田周邊國小空氣中PM2.5和 PM10之影響評估。職業衛生暨職業醫學研討會
  8. 翁佩詒、蘇慧貞、吳治達 (2022) 利用空間混合集成學習模型推估工業區PM2.5於COVID-19期間白天與夜間之濃度變化。2022年公共衛生聯合會員大會暨學術研討會(國立台灣大學,台灣,海報發表),10/14-10/16,2022。
  9. Pei-Yu Lian, Zih-Hong Syu, Chien-Cheng Jung*, Huey-Jen Su, 2022. Comparison of C and N stable isotopes in PM2.5 and formaldehyde by traditional and electronic cigarettes burning. 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2022, Taipei, Taiwan
  10. 王瑞欣、榮建誠、陳乃慈、蘇慧貞。建立台灣住家PM2.5穿透係數之研究。2021職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討會。
  11. 塗沛潔、榮建誠、陳乃慈、蘇慧貞。台灣公共場所之細懸浮微粒暴露的疾病負擔評估研究。2021職業衛生暨職業醫學國際學術研討
  12. 許自宏、蘇慧貞、陳乃慈、榮建誠*。2021,Stable isotopic characteristics in PM2.5 emitted from cooking, incense, and cigarette burning。2021年亞洲室內環境品質、健康防疫與智慧生活研討會。(Tainan, Taiwan; Online conference; Oral Presentation
  13. 翁佩詒、蘇慧貞、郭育良、陳保中、陳裕政、龍世俊、吳治達,利用土地利用迴歸與機器學習演算法推估過去二十年台灣PM2.5濃度之全天與晝夜變化,2021細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制及空氣品質與COVID-19議題研討會。2021年9月24日-9月25日 (國立屏東科技大學, 屏東, 口頭發表
  14. 王琬茹、榮建誠、蘇慧貞。The correlation among cool and warm season, occupants’ behavior and indoor air quality. 2021年亞洲室內環境品質、健康防疫與智慧生活研討
  15. Wong PY, Chen LJ, Su HJ, Chen YC, Chen NT, Lung SCC, Hsiao TC, Wu CD. 2021. Indoor PM2.5 Levels Estimation by Using Low-Cost Sensors with Land-Use Regression Integrated XGBoost Approach. 2021 Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality Health , Infection Prevention and Intelligent Living in Asia (TSIEQ 2021). June 3-4, 2021. (Tainan, Taiwan; Online conference
  16. Jung CC, Hsia YF, Hsu NY, Wang YC, Su HJ. 2020. Influence of indoor temperature cumulative effect on respiratory disease–related emergency department visits among older adults in Taiwan. ISIAQ 2020. (Seoul, Korea; Online conference
  17. Wong PY, Wu CD, Chen TH, Hsu YC, Zeng YT, Chao H, Su HJ. A hybrid kriging-LUR mod el to assess NO2 variability in Taiwan. ICUH 2019. (Xiamen, China
  18. Wang WR, Jung CC, Su HJ. Development of predictive models for PM2.5 concentration in office. 2019 ISESISIAQ. (Kaunas, Lithuania)
  19. Su HJ, Jung CC, Lin WY, Hsu NY, Chang CT, Wu CD. Development of a prediction model for indoor PM2.5 concentration-The case in Tainan households. 2019 ISES-ISIAQ. (Kaunas, Lithuania)
  20. Chang HT, Wu CD, Su HJ. Linkage between green space structures and mental disorder in Taiwan. ACRS 2019. (Daejeon, Korea)
  21. Wong PY, Wu CD, Su HJ. A neural networkbased land use regression model to estimate spatial-temporal variability of nitrogen dioxide. ACRS 2019. (Daejeon, Korea
  22. 夏瑩芳、許乃云、榮建誠、蘇慧貞,室內溫度累積效應對心血管與呼吸道疾病急診次數之影響,2019國際職業衛生研討會。(台南,台灣
  23. 林宛萓、榮建誠、許乃云、蘇慧貞,以土地利用迴歸模式建立室內PM2.5濃度預測模式‒以台南地區住家為例,2018年第25屆國際氣膠科技研討會。(台南,台灣)


  1. Su HJ, Chen MJ, Chen NT. 2016. Climate Variability and Human Health in Southeast Asia: A Taiwan Study. In: Akhtar R eds. Climate Change and Human Health Scenario in South and Southeast Asia. Springer International Publishing, 237-242


  1. 莊啟佑、吳佩芝、戴聿彤、何雨芳、于台珊、石東生、陳博源、羅錦興、蘇慧貞、張振平、謝在鈞(行政院勞工委員會勞工安全衛生研究所),電荷吸引生物氣膠收集裝置,中華民國(發明專利),專利號碼:096123463,專利期間:2009.09.21-2027.06.27。

