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Research NCKU


  • 組合數學
  • 機率與統計
  • 空間與時間統計學
  • 遺傳流行病學
  • 遺傳統計學


  • 生物統計
  • 高等生物統計
  • 遺傳流行病學
  • 醫學遺傳學
  • 公共衛生學


  • 紐約州立大學石溪分校應用數學與統計系博士


  • 國際遺傳流行病學會 科學計劃委員會(2017~2019)
  • 成功大學工業衛生學科暨環境醫學研究所副教授(2013~)
  • 德州大學安德森癌症中心流行病學助理教授(2007~2013)
  • 德州大學安德森癌症中心流行病學講師(2004~2007)
  • 德州大學安德森癌症中心流行病學 博士後研究員(2001~2004)
  • 紐約州立大學石溪分校應用數學與統計系助教(1994~2000)



代表性期刊論文 (星號* 代表為通訊作者)

1. Wu CC*, Amos CI. Statistical properties of affected sib-pair linkage tests. Human Heredity 55:153-62, 2003. PMID: 14566093.
2. Wu CC*, Shete S, Amos CI. Linkage analysis of affected sib pairs allowing for parent-of-origin effects. Annals of Human Genetics 69(Pt 1):113-26, 1/2005. PMID: 15638832.
3. Wu CC*, Shete S. Analysis of genes for alcoholism using two-disease-locus models. BMC Genetics 6(suppl 1):S149, 2005. PMCID: PMC1866786.
4. Wu CC*, Shete S, Amos CI, Strong LC. Joint effects of germ-line p53 mutation and sex on cancer risk in Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Cancer Research 66(16):8287-92, 8/2006. PMID: 16912210.
5. Wu CC*, Grimson RC, Amos CI, Shete S. Statistical methods for anomalous discrete time series based on minimum cell count. Biometrical Journal 50(1):86-96, 2/2008. PMID: 17853406.
6. Wu CC*, Shete S, Chen WV, Peng B, Lee AT, Ma J, Gregersen PK, Amos CI. Detection of disease-associated deletions in case-control studies using SNP genotypes with application to rheumatoid arthritis. Human Genetics 126(2):303-15, 8/2009. PMCID: PMC2992885.
7. Wu CC*, Strong LC, Shete S. Effects of Measured Susceptibility Genes on Cancer Risk in Family Studies. Human Genetics 127(3):349-57, 3/2010. PMCID: PMC2918266.
8. Wu CC*, Grimson RC, Shete S. Exact Statistical Tests for Heterogeneity of Frequencies based on Extreme Values. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 39(3):612-23,2010.
9. Wu CC*, Krahe R, Lozano G, Zhang B, Wilson CD, Jo EJ, Amos CI, Shete S, Strong LC. Joint effects of germ-line TP53 mutation, MDM2 SNP309, and gender on cancer risk in family studies of Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Human Genetics 129(6):663-73, 6/2011. PMID: 21305319.
10. Magrane D, Helitzer D, Morahan P, Chang S, Gleason K, Cardinale G, Wu CC. Systems of Career Influences: A Conceptual Model for evaluating the Professional Development of Women in Academic Medicine. Journal of Women's Health 21(12):1244-1251, 12/2012.PMID: 23101486.
11. Wu CC*, Shete S, Jo EJ, Xu Y, Lu EY, Chen WV, Amos CI. Whole-Genome Detection of Disease-Associated Deletions or Excess Homozygosity in a Case-Control Study of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Human Molecular Genetics 22(6):1249-1261, 2013. PMID: 23223014.
12. Helitzer DL, Newbill SL, Morahan PS, Magrane D, Cardinali G, Wu CC, Chang S. Perceptions of skill development of participants in three national career development programs for women faculty in academic medicine. Academic Medicine 89:896-903, 2014.
13. Wu CC*, Chen CH, Shete S. Assessing Current Temporal and Space-Time Anomalies of Disease Incidence. PLOS One 12(11): e0188065, 2017.
14. Lai WT, Chen CH, Hung H, Chen RB, Shete S, Wu CC*. Recognizing Spatial and Temporal Clustering Patterns of Dengue Outbreaks in Taiwan. BMC Infectious Diseases 18:256, 06/2018.
15. Wu CC*, Shete S. Differentiating anomalous disease intensity with confounding variables in space. International Journal of Health Geographics, 19(1):37, 2020. 
16. Wu CC*, Chu YH, Shete S, Chen CH. Spatially varying effects of measured confounding variables on disease risk. International Journal of Health Geographics, 20(1):45, 2021.
17. Aggarwal P, Hutcheson KA, Yu R, Wang J, Fuller CD, Garden AS, Goepfert RP, Rigert J, Mott FE, Lu C, Lai SY, Gunn GB, Chambers MS, Li G, Wu CC, Hanna EY, Sturgis EM, Shete S. Genetic susceptibility to patient-reported xerostomia among long-term oropharyngeal cancer survivors. Scientific Reports, 12(1):6662, 2022.